SimHydro 2023: New modelling paradigms for water issues?

Back to the Event list November 8, 2023 – November 10, 2023 EDF LAB Chatou, France SimHydro conferences, since 2010, have created a regular forum where major actors of the hydroinformatic domain and stakeholders meet, share and debate about needs, innovations and implementations of models and their inputs for decision making. The various sessions of […]

HydroES 2021

L’Hydroélectricité, un catalyseur de la transition énergétique en Europe Back to the Event list 21-23 September 2021 Ecole Supérieure Normale de Lyon 7th European Colloquium Présentation colloque Un colloque en présentiel du 22 au 24 septembre à l’École Normale de Lyon Une plateforme numérique permettant : Un accès en amont, pendant et après le colloque […]

Dispersed Two-Phase Flow

Back to the Event list October 12 – 14, 2021 Online Conference Description masquée à renseigner. Objectives In association with The objective of the conference is to bring together researchers from different communities (academics and researchers from industrial research institutes in fluid mechanics, chemical engineering, …) working on fundamental problems involving dispersed flows. The event […]


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Nos manifestations entrent dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue

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(n° Formateur/Agreement number 11 75 02902 75)