Strategic Topics
The strategic subjects mainly concern the control of energy consumption and environmental impacts in the various industrial sectors using fluids that are not very compressible. The scientific stakes are particularly high in the development and use of high-quality numerical models on the relevant time and space scales for the targeted applications. The development of experimental validation means using analysis methods on the same time and space scales remains a major challenge.
The technical challenges are essentially related to increasing the range of use of the equipment by taking into account more and more multi-phase problems and various couplings (with structures in particular). It should be noted that members of the division were heavily involved in the drafting of the white paper on Mechanics published in 2015 by the Association Française de Mécanique.
The division is at the heart of the partnership established between the SHF and the AFM (Association Française de Mécanique), which is reflected in Antoine Dazin’s leadership of the AFM’s Scientific and Technical Group entitled ‘Hydro-technique et Mécanique des Fluides’. The division’s industrial partners are mainly in the energy and shipbuilding sectors, as well as research and development companies and organisations. The division’s working groups and cross-disciplinary symposia provide a forum for meetings and exchanges with university laboratories involved in fluid mechanics research.
Recent and future events
In addition to the biennial events already scheduled or in preparation, as indicated in the presentation of the division’s sub-sections, members of the division are regularly involved in SHF events of a more cross-divisional nature, in particular ‘HydroES’ (next edition in September 2021) and SimHydro (next edition in June 2021).

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