Strategic Topics

Within the SHF, the objective of the New Knowledge and Tools Division is to promote cross-disciplinary methodological thinking in hydraulics and water-related fields, while working closely with the SHF’s other divisions.

The main themes are modelling and associated tools. The division’s ambition is to address complex physical processes in their economic and social context. With the joint development of numerical methods and intensive computing resources, numerical modelling is becoming an essential tool in the three areas of the water cycle: uses, protection of natural hydrosystems and prevention of major water-related natural hazards. The need to manage increasingly complex systems and environments requires a holistic approach that must gradually integrate the various thematic simulation tools that have been developed over the last two decades. The growth in computing capacity – computing clusters – means that it is now possible both to run deterministic models and to develop real-time management systems.

One of the major challenges for the various water-related fields is undoubtedly the development and gradual construction of a coherent Information System that can ensure greater efficiency in management as well as the interoperability of the various solutions. This long-term construction process requires a review of certain traditional engineering concepts and the development of multidisciplinary collaborations in order to rebuild the water sciences.

Through its activities (conferences, publications, prizes, working groups), the SHF is contributing to this vast project by offering a forum for exchange and construction for professionals, scientists, decision-makers and, of course, users.

Recent and future events

Several recurring conferences, such as SimHydro, provide an opportunity to discuss cross-disciplinary themes that bring together practitioners, researchers and managers. These events are organised jointly with the other divisions of the SHF and also in partnership with other French and international organisations such as the AFM, the AIRH, the ASCE and the CSCE. These conferences are combined with a proactive publication policy to ensure that ideas and results are widely disseminated on an international scale.

Water-related professions are changing rapidly, particularly with the advent of information and communication technologies, which are spreading to all professional sectors. These new methods and tools offer the possibility of improving the various services linked to water and, at the same time, require us to rethink certain traditional engineering approaches by introducing, for example, concepts such as resilience into risk management or asset management. These new challenges are at the heart of the SHF’s activities, and it aims to encourage the emergence of innovative solutions.

In addition to its regular activities, the New Knowledge and Tools Division wishes to undertake activities that can be included in the training cycle of future professionals in the water sector. To this end, the various conferences organised include special arrangements for students and trainees. This dynamic should be strengthened with the introduction of online seminars (webinars), which can offer the opportunity to access information and exchange ideas quickly. The aim of these actions is to broaden the SHF’s audience and enrich it with new ideas in line with the expectations of the professional world of the water sector.


Do not hesitate to ask us your questions or send us your comments, photos or documents via our contact form

Philippe Gourbesville

Président du Groupe Savoirs Et Outils Nouveaux

Philippe Gourbesville est professeur d’hydroinformatique à Polytech Nice Sophia, l’école d’ingénieurs de l’Université Côte d’Azur (UCA), depuis 1997 et il coordonne le master conjoint Erasmus Mundus Hydroinformatics and Water Management depuis 2004 avec 4 universités européennes, 11 universités internationales et plus de 60 partenaires industriels. Il participe à de nombreux projets de recherche européens et internationaux principalement consacrés à la modélisation hydraulique et hydrologique pour les services de l’eau, la gestion de la ressource, la gestion des crises liés à l’eau (inondations) et la résilience. Il est membre fondateur de l’Asian Water Council (AWC) – vice-président depuis 2016 – et il est professeur associé auprès de 14 universités principalement en Asie.

Jean-Michel Tanguy

Président du Groupe Savoirs Et Outils Nouveaux

Jean-Michel Tanguy est Ingénieur Général des Ponts des Eaux et des Forêts honoraire. Il est titulaire d’un Ph.D de l’université Laval de Québec et d’une Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches. Il a fait toute sa carrière au ministère de l’Environnement au sein de structures scientifiques et techniques. Retraité, il assure la fonction de président du GIS HEDD, intervient dans l’animation de plusieurs associations : AFPCN, LHF. Il conduit des recherches en mathématiques appliquées en liaison avec l’ENPC ainsi qu’avec des partenaires australiens. Il intervient comme enseignant à l’ENTPE à Lyon. Il anime également le volet scientifique ANSWER de WIKHYDRO: le wiki du CEREMA dans le domaine de l’eau.

Philippe Gourbesville

Chairman of the Knowledge And New Tools Group

Philippe Gourbesville is a professor of hydroinformatics at Polytech Nice Sophia, the engineering school of the University of Côte d’Azur (UCA), since 1997 and he coordinates the joint Erasmus Mundus Hydroinformatics and Water Management master’s degree since 2004 with 4 European universities , 11 international universities and more than 60 industrial partners. He participates in numerous European and international research projects mainly devoted to hydraulic and hydrological modeling for water services, resource management, management of water-related crises (floods) and resilience. He is a founding member of the Asian Water Council (AWC) – vice-president since 2016 – and is an associate professor at 14 universities primarily in Asia.

Jean-Michel Tanguy

Chairman of the Knowledge And New Tools Group

Jean-Michel Tanguy is Honorary General Engineer of the Water Bridges and Forests. He holds a Ph.D from Laval University in Quebec and a Habilitation to Direct Research. He has spent his entire career at the Ministry of the Environment within scientific and technical structures.
Retired, he assures the function of president of GIS HEDD, intervenes in the animation of several associations: AFPCN, LHF. He conducts research in applied mathematics in conjunction with the ENPC as well as with Australian partners. He works as a teacher at ENTPE in Lyon. He also runs the ANSWER scientific component of WIKHYDRO: the CEREMA wiki in the field of water.




Our events are part of continuing professional training

Inscriptions au séminaire (Construire) Le futur de l’eau dans la transition écologique

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(n° Formateur 11 75 02902 75)



Nos manifestations entrent dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue

N’hésitez pas à nous demander une convention de formation via notre formulaire de contact.
(n° Formateur/Agreement number 11 75 02902 75)