
Summary and programme
The ‘Human and Social Sciences and the Challenges of Water’ network highlights the human, historical and social issues associated with continental and marine water problems, at all territorial, regional and cross-border scales. It strives to forge links between the human and social sciences communities and those involved in water-related sciences and techniques, particularly hydraulics and hydrology. Its objectives are also to encourage the integration of social and human sciences into multidisciplinary teams and to contribute to discussions on the ecological and energy transition, in relation to global changes, in particular climate change. It is supported by the Société Hydrotechnique de France (SHF) and the Académie de l’Eau. 
To this end, the network organises an annual seminar focusing on a specific theme. A call for papers is issued for each seminar, and a summary document is produced after the seminar to capitalise on the main lessons learned. Some of the papers presented at these seminars are published in the journal La Houille Blanche. The summaries are available on the websites of the two associations. 
At the same time, the SHF Pierre Massé Prize is awarded each year for a thesis in the humanities and social sciences on the subject of water. See details of the prize and its winners:
The following seminars have been held to date:
‘Building the future of water in the ecological transition, taking into account societal aspirations, adaptation to global and climate change, economic and development aspects’, 21 June 2023
‘Rights and water’, 5 April 2022
‘Knowledge and expertise in debates on water issues, projects and their implementation’, 9 February 2021
‘How do tensions over water lead to a rethinking of its governance? 20 November 2019
‘Human and social sciences and water issues – Water and energy developments in France: how to build consensus’, 2 October 2018
The next seminar, due to be held in early 2025, will be entitled ‘How to make peace with water’ and will look at crisis and conflict prevention, ways out of crises, and the consequences of conflicts and tensions over water at regional level.



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Our events are part of continuing professional training

Inscriptions au séminaire (Construire) Le futur de l’eau dans la transition écologique

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(n° Formateur 11 75 02902 75)



Nos manifestations entrent dans le cadre de la formation professionnelle continue

N’hésitez pas à nous demander une convention de formation via notre formulaire de contact.
(n° Formateur/Agreement number 11 75 02902 75)